Music, Memory and European Citizenship
In European culture, music played a dual political role during the 20th century: that of witnessing the upheavals of totalitarianisms that martyred the continent and that of a tool of resistance against them, accompanying in particular the transition to independence. and the democracy of certain nations. The "Music, Memory and European Citizenship" project aims to make these characteristics the tools of a memory common to European citizens, based on the understanding of a collective and transnational history allowing them to embody the values of democracy, tolerance and respect for the rule of law. This project will be articulated in 3 fields of action:
1)The organization of concerts and public musical eventsaimed at disseminating, promoting and safeguarding the unknown repertoire of oppressed composers of the 20th century, more particularly those who fell victims of the Shoah, or who took part in the fight against European totalitarianisms of the 20th century.
2)The organization of international conferences on the theme "Music and resistance" on the role of music during the Holocaust(particularly in the concentration camps), as well as on that – less known, and currently little studied – of the role it played during recent crises (e.g.: "Singing Revolution" in the Baltic countries which led to their independence, or the role of music as a tool of resistance and resilience of the population of Sarajevo during the siege of the city), bringing together experts from various fields of study (musicology, political science, sociology, philosophy, specialists in memory issues, etc. ).
3)The organization of all adapted additional events: documentary exhibitions, cultural mediation and educational awareness workshops. To implement these different activities, the “Music, Memory and European Citizenship” project brings together 15 partners representing 10 EU member countries. The events will all be organized in situ, materializing a physical transnationality of the participants through exchanges of artists, experts and audiences. A special place will be given in the activities to the role of women in the formation of this cultural history and memory, and in particular to female composers and performers such as Alma Rosé, founder of the Auschwitz women's orchestra. The project "Music, Memory and European Citizenship" will consist of 8 events bringing together several of the activities mentioned above.

Music, Politics & European Citizenship Program
- April 1, 2022 - Reims Opera
Orchestra Les Métamorphoses, dir. Amaury du Closel
- April 2, 2022 - Notoos, Saint-Pierre-Le-Vieux Protestant Church, Strasbourg
Orchestra Les Métamorphoses, dir. Amaury du Closel
-April 28, 2022 - Salle Cortot, Paris
Orchestra Les Métamorphoses, dir. Amaury du Closel
-April 6, 2022 - Klavier Gallery, Vienna (Austria)
Orchestra Les Metamorphoses
- May 21, 2022 - Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center, Paris
Orchestra Les Métamorphoses, dir. Amaury du Closel
- June 10, 2022 - Jerusalem Synagogue, Prague (Czech Republic)
Orchestra Les Métamorphoses, dir. Amaury du Closel
- June 11, 2022 - Wieser House, Terezìn (Czech Republic)
Orchestra Les Métamorphoses, dir. Amaury du Closel
-June 13, 2022 - Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna (Austria)
Orchestra Les Métamorphoses, dir. Amaury du Closel
- August 2, 2022 -Festival Junger Künstler Bayreuth - Stadtkirche, Bayreuth (Germany)
I Solisti Aquilani, dir. Amaury du Closel
- September 20, 2022 -Pax & Bonum Festival, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Jauna Muzika Choir, I Solisti Aquilani,dir. Amaury du Closel
- October 8, 2022 - Aula Florianka, Krakow (Poland)
Erstes Frauenkammerorchester von Österrreich, Porta Musicae
- October 20, 2022 - NooToos Strasbourg
Orchestra Les Métamorphoses, dir. Amaury du Closel
- November 6, 2022 - Theater of the Jews in Latvia Museum, Riga (Latvia)
Jauna Muzika Choir, St Christophe de Vinius Orchestra,dir. Amaury du Closel
- November 13, 2022 - Schloss Bensberg, Cologne (Germany)
Orchestra Les Métamorphoses, dir. Amaury du Closel
- November 20, 2022 - Viktor Ullmann Festival, Trieste (Italy)
Soloists of the Lisbon Metropolitana Orchestra
- December 1, 2022 - Atelier Marcel Astir, Brussels (Belgium)
Orchestra Les Metamorphoses
April 6, 2022- Klavier Gallery, Vienna (Austria)
May 21, 2022- Czech Cultural Center, Paris